SWTOR is a game which is played a long time ago almost eight years ago and users are still crazy about this game. However, as this game is very old so people used to think that now the craze of this game is no more. Most of the users think that a game can only be new when it is introduced fresh in the market, after one to two years when a new game is introduced then the fever of the old game goes off. You can check more information at https://www.gamereasy.com/.
But SWTOR which is star wars the old republic it is a very popular game and it is never going to be old. Since then many users tried finding complaints in SWTOR, many years have passed but no complaints caught till now.
Complains about SWTOR
The only disappointing thing that users of SWTOR have experienced was about ending of the game. Few users complaint that there is no ending to the game, but the number of players who complained about it was very less. People who were not interested in the story and wanted to run to the conclusion as soon as possible were disappointed about it and complain about it as well.
In SWTOR there was a large fan following for Galaxies, but after some time the makers of star wars stopped introducing galaxies due to various reasons. After this, the fans of galaxies were highly disappointed and were not ready to continue the game like this.
Ranking in SWTOR
People who are playing Star Wars since the beginning know what is the importance of the PVP. Users of PVP, those who have given good performance in the game, will get a good rank in the leaderboard of SWTOR.com which is very important for any player. The leaderboard gets updated every two hours, so the winners also stay updated.
Also, if a player plays till the end of the game nicely then he also gets a reward at the end which is very important for the users who really love playing star wars.
Story of the game
Many users may have trouble understanding SWTOR, one thing is fixed with star wars which says that it has a story and that story is very interesting for their users. Star Wars story has no end which indicates that the game also has no ending and this is what makes it more interesting.
SWTOR is a very interesting game which is been played by the fans of star wars for a very long. This is what made star wars very famous, and users are playing this game in 2022 also. The theme of the game makes it more interesting in the end.